A quick visit to the garden yesterday evening and I came back with armfuls of home-grown goodness. The leeks and rainbow chard made their way into a divine spanakopita we made for dinner last night (don't believe Jamie Oliver, a good one takes more than 30 minutes). The first of the broad beans are waiting in the kitchen to be podded and made into broad beans on toast.
And last, but most definitely not least, a bunch of blooms from my plot (sweet peas!) and the sensory beds which are currently sitting next to the tv looking sensational. Sitting on the couch, watching Harry Potter last night, I kept catching gentle wafts of sweet pea scent drifting across the lounge room. Bliss!
hi lauren! I just tried to email you but couldnt find your email address anywhere - can you send me a quick email? bawkbawk@gmail.com ta