Saturday, December 18, 2010

How sweet, how pretty, how grand....

Chapter One: In which I introduce myself, my plot and the Merri Corner Community Garden to the blogging world. 

Me. And the rent-a-fence.
My furry sidekick, Lucy.

The plot is part of my plan to stay sane. A little green patch of bliss in the midst of my crazy busy life. And the blog is part of my plan to preserve the sanity of my friends and family... an outlet for my obsessive gardening chatter. 

Lucy looks on.

You say tomato...

The garden - the Merri Corner Community Garden - is the result of two or so years of hard work by a bunch of dedicated Brunswick locals. Although I've followed its progress since its inception, I didn't get properly involved until later in the piece, after most of the hard work was done. At the urging of a friend I put in a plot application in September of this year and not long after that I become the proud owner of plot S8.... 6 square meters of gardening bliss.


The official handover ceremony was at the start of October and a couple of weeks later, Mum and I spent a delightful day, planning, purchasing and planting. This first photo below was taken a week or so after that. I think. I know it doesn't look much, especially with the picturesque powerlines in the background but it's already the light of my life.

In the beginning.....

Add rain, and presto!

It's been a cold, wet spring here in Melbourne - not much fun for the most part but GREAT for the garden. After a couple of weeks of torrential rain, interspersed with the odd warm, sunny day, everything has begun to grow like the clappers.

A busy week or two have meant I have only been able to catch glimpses of the plot as I ride by on my way to school in the morning. But now I'm on holidays! I plan to head down tomorrow and get things in order - I know the tomatoes need to be tied up and no doubt there are plenty of little weeds coming up, waiting to be pulled. I'll endeavor to remember the camera to grab a pic or two of the progress....


  1. Awesome! Looks pretty good so far Lauren. Looking forward to watching your garden and blog grow.

  2. nice one lauren! congratulations on starting that up, it looks like a lot of muddy fun!
